Why do you keep coming back to participate in the Baltimore Ten Miler?
What is your favorite thing about the Baltimore Ten Miler?
My favorite thing about the Baltimore Ten Miler is the cold wash cloth at the finish line and the great swag. I keep coming back to the Baltimore Ten Miler because it’s one of the best venues. My favorite memory was receiving the Ten Miler clock for participating in the first 10 years.
Meet John!
Why do you keep coming back to run the Baltimore Ten Miler?
Gosh, there are so many good reasons that I keep doing this race. Probably the mist compelling is the combination of the challenging course paired with the great after party. I always finish wanted to run better “next time”. And usually my running group is closing down the after
party. But I can’t forget the wonderful premiums. The most memorable time was the year of the thunderstorms at the start. A bit unnerving, but everyone was safe.
Meet Karen!
I keep coming back to participate in the Baltimore Ten Miler partly to keep the “streak” going but mainly this event signifies the start of summer racing for me. Ten miles is my favorite race distance and I enjoy this challenging course—hills and all! Also, this race allows me to reunite with my running friends from other MD counties because it is a favorite of theirs as well. Race day is typically hot and humid so I always look forward to the watermelon at the finish. In addition, I enjoy that the majority of the runners stay for the post race festivities — listening to the live music and consuming their well deserved beer! Finally, the B10 premiums are amazing (I still have the fleece pullover and the rain jacket). Kudos to Corrigan Sports for putting on a top notch event for 15 years!
Meet Marc!

Meet Melvin
Why do you keep coming back to participate in the Baltimore Ten Miler?
When the B10 first started, I was still relatively new to running and I wanted to do a race for my birthday. I liked the idea of starting off another revolution around the sun with something healthy and challenging. The B10 was closest to that date, so I signed up and 15 years later the rest is history. I’ve been lucky enough to have some of my closest friends run the race with me, and hopefully I’ll be able to have a few more run with me in the years to come. Also I’m a glutton for punishment and those hills.
Meet Andy!

Meet Laura!

Cicada year sticks out because watching cicadas land on people in front of you and watching how long it would stay on the runner really helped keep me distracted from the mileage!!